Monday, December 21, 2009

The life of Form Six

Before entering form six, many people asked me not to go for stpm, because it is tough and wasting first, i also hesitate whether want to study form six or not, but at last, i have chosen this route...

And now, i have completed STPM examination, and i am officially graduated from secondary school, but i never regret that i chosen this route even it is tough, why?? because:

I have a group of nice friends in form six, we play, gossiping, study, complaining together.......even, we also have a lot of fun with teachers........I think words are not enough to explain how happy i am in form six......for sure, there are some obstacles happen during this one and half year, but still... i love form six life...

Is really feeling great to have you guys as my friendsss....really.....thanks for helping me out all this long..and sorry for everything that i done wrong.....^^ i know its sound like malay style but i think this is a very good culture to be learned....^^


LiLiN said...

WTH is malay culture?!?!?

girl. happy when see the pictures.
sweet memories indeed. =)

静怡 said...

malay culture means mohon maaf like that

LiLiN said...

hahaha. okok .. icic. =)))