Friday, March 19, 2010

不知不觉中,without realizing that.....

不知不觉中,我已经是20岁了,时间过得很快,到 了人生中的重要的交叉点,要好好地作出决定去走人生的道路。

不知不觉中,我发现弟弟长大了,开始懂得要为自己的未 来打算,我看见他渐渐地长大了,很开心。


不知不觉中,我发现我渐渐喜欢教书,喜欢教,看到学生 们学会了,心中有很多的满足感。当小学生们很开心地 说:“老师,我会了”,的时候,我会莫名的很开心,很有满足感。可是,很矛盾的,我却很清楚的知道,我不适合当老师。

不知不觉中,我也渐渐清楚自己要些什么,我只是想要自 由自在和简单的生活。


不知不觉中,我发现我越来越喜欢大自然,越来越想要尝 试新东西,做一些以前从来不敢做的事。



不知不觉中,我越来越喜欢摄影,虽然目前还在初学着, 可是渐渐爱上了,喜欢把珍贵的画面,美丽的事物,永 远留住。


不知不觉中,原来我已经习惯了心里的痛,不懂得如何让 它痊愈。。。。。


相信大家也有很多的“不知不觉”,不妨也可以分享一 下。。。。。^^..

Without realizing that, I am already 20 years old. Time is really passing fast, I have reached the important junction in the journey of my life and got to make a good choice.

Without realizing that, my brother is grown up, he is now thinking and planning his future, I am happy for him, and wish him all the best.

Without realizing that, my obstacles, problems are getting more and more, never ended. Maybe this is indicating me not longer a child.

Without realizing that, I like to be a teacher. When I saw my students are capable of doing their work by themselves and tell me that he can do it happily. I am happy to see it. But, I clearly know that I am not suitable to be a teacher…..

Without realizing that, the world is changing a lot, everything is sooooo unenexpeted, I found out that when people grown, wisdom and courage are very in need to overcome and face our life.

Without realizing that, I love nature very much now, and I feel that I wan to try a lot of new things, I wan to do a lot of things. I wan to do many things I don’t dare to try before.

Without realizing that, I am getting more understand the meaning of “ appreciate”

Without realizing that, eventhough I think that I know myself very well, but then, sometimes I really don’t know who am i.

Without realizing that, I like photography, although I am still a beginner now, I just wan to keep those beautiful things in eternity, never lost.

Without realizing that, I am getting used to single life.

Without realizing that, I am already get used to the pain of my heart, don’t know how to put down…….

Without realizing that, I wrote so many “ without realizing that” but know that this will never come to the end.



大恒 said...

不知不觉,你不是妹妹了,变得成书了, 我好像老了

静怡 said...


大恒 said...

真的好久了,哈哈。 是,你是妹妹,但变的成熟的妹妹了,要上大学了.....